Whitby in 2003

NOTE: This is a DRAFT so there will be many changes
First of all, I would like to thank Bob and Patti Duncan for helping me around Whitby, Fireco, Jonben, Willabet and Coal City. Their support made this trip possible and certainly more enjoyable. If you want to know about the history of Whitby please see the link to the main Whitby page at the bottom or click here.

So, I get in a car, drive a total of 850 miles and tour Whitby with Bob Duncan as my guide. I think the hard part of any trip to a place you remember fondly is acknowledging that time, people, greed, neglect and apathy change things. Whitby has radically changed and much of it is being reclaimed by nature. BUT, it is not all gone and its not all bad. This series of pages will be dedicated to what is left of Whitby and I hope it demonstrates why it is so vital to recall and WRITE DOWN the memories you do have.

The good news is that you can still tell Whitby was a coal mining town. The bad news is it takes a while and some footwork to see that. Both myself and Bob Duncan have guessed that in about 10 to 15 years the houses and things you see here will disappear.

Whitby Town View

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Back to Main Whitby WV Page
View from top of Fink Street
Driving to the Bottom of the camp at Whitby WV
Continuing Drive to Bottom of Camp at Whitby WV
Driving at the Bottom of the Camp at Whitby WV
Bottom of the Camp at Whitby WV
Looking Up at Whitby WV
"Mining Office" at Whitby WV
Rails going into Whitby
Looking down to the Bottom of the Camp at Whitby WV
House Across the way at Fink Street
Walking down Fink Street
Violet Finks House "The Best Cook Whitby ever had"
The Allens House at Whitby WV
Fink Street in Whitby WV
Side view of Bowling House
Margaret Bowlings House
Whitby Superintendants House in 2003
Whitby Church in 2003
Front of Whitby WV Church
Remains of Dr. Rileys Office
Home of Whitby Constable
Rails in Whitby?
Halstead Cemetery
Whitby Post Office in 2003
Battleship in 2003
Where is Whitby?
Company Store at Whitby WV
Whitby Mining History
Whitby Memorial Page
Smith and Stover at Whitby
Tourists in Whitby WV Updates Coming! Updates Coming! 2005 Stoco Reunion Information

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