Ever Flowing Well at Whitby WV

Thank to the kindness of Bob and Ginny Lilly, I was able to see the remains of the the ever flowing well at Whitby WV. Ginny recalled its location which was, I have to say, AMAZING. This well was constantly flowing (hence the name) and stank of sulfur. The smell is gone. Sadly, so is most of the original structure. The well has been described to me as a concreate building with a well inside. Mr. Bennett, the Whitby WV Grade School Principal and eighth grade teacher, enjoyed the well as a landmark to visit with his class.
HOWEVER, thanks to the kindness of Roger Farley, we can actually see what this structure looked like before is was taken down. THANKS SO VERY MUCH ROGER!!!!!.

Below is a far more recent pic of the well top. I am able to say this because of the grooves in the slab and of ciourse, the orginal image above

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